Is it safe to travel from the Colombo Airport to us?
It’s very safe to travel through Sri Lanka. It’s advisable to prearrange your transfers through us so we can secure you a transfer from the airport to Arugam bay. If you’re taking the  public transfer from Colombo to Arugam bay, there is a night bus leaving every evening  from Colombo bus terminal reaching Arugam bay in the early hours.  

Is there enough food and water supplies to guarantee our stay will be pleasant?
There is plenty of food and water in all supermarkets and local shops in Arugam Bay nearby town and at our camp, where we provide filtered water and all our meals are locally handmade, fresh and vegetarian.

Use the discount code "seasonishere" for a discount of 15% for the month of May and June. Brand new swimming pool will be ready for the season!

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